Inspiring Stories from my Miami-based Therapy

Sandra Beggs Psychotherapy Miami
I am so blessed in my private practice right now. Some amazing women have invited me to join them as their therapist as they seek to better understand the choices that they have made in their lives and how they want to create their futures in more purposeful and authentic ways. Over the next few weeks, I will introduce some of these amazing and resilient women and share a bit about their progress in psychotherapy.
Mia is in her late-thirties and has experienced a trail of difficult and unfulfilling relationships with men where she realizes she has become the woman she thought they wanted her to be rather than having a grounded sense of her own Self to contribute to the relationship. A childhood full of family dysfunction affected her ability to manage with her emotions and led her to seek relationships where her partners were not physically or emotionally available. In therapy, Mia is learning to observe and accept her emotions rather than letting them “run the show” and is beginning to be less critical of herself and more open to learning, accepting, and even enjoying her Self. We are using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, EMDR, Art in Therapy, and Movement Awareness from Dance/Movement Therapy. I love working with Mia!
Names and some details have been changed to protect confidentiality but the essence of the stories remain.